About Pentonics
Conceived in the year 1998, Pentonic Technologies began as a young, dynamic and enthusiastic force and the same.vitality and gusto continues unabated...

The vision of the company has always been clear; Carve a niche for itself in the overly crowded PC Industry by providing complete customer satisfaction. The accent initially was on the third party support, maintenance and LAN installations.
Our tailored services spread across end-to-end IT infrastructure & maintenance ensuring trouble free and optimized client computing.

We do not merely throw the list of the products that we supply at you as we are product agnostic. What we are is client centric. We make the products work for you. Wa match the products with your need rather than match your need to the products.
With a wide range of products from the leaders in PC/Mac, Passive & Active Networking, Software and Accessories, we are a one stop shop for all IT needs offering quality products and tailored services